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Discover level II

This first step is for beginners and people who do not regularly exercise.
It targets smooth legs and abs. We provide you with two circuits. Each circuit focuses on one muscle area and comprises two exercises. To get good results, the muscle area worked on should hurt a little at the end of the circuit! During the exercises, retain a good posture and contract your abs to protect your back.


Link up the sets of squats and chair without pausing.

For squats, you must do 5 to 10 repetitions.

For the chair, you have to hold it for between 15 - 30 seconds. You have to do 4 sets of each exercise.

At the end of the 4 sets, you deserve a timeout.

Take two minutes and rehydrate!


squat chaise
SQUAT - 5 repsCHAIR - 15 seconds


Link up the abdominal sets and plank exercises without pausing.

For crunches, you need to do 15 to 30 repetitions, it should hurt a little by the end!

For the plank, you must hold the position (with a straight back) for between 30 - 60 seconds. You have to do4 sets of each exercise.

At the end of the 4 sets, you deserve a timeout. Take two minutes and rehydrate!


relevé de bustegainage
CRUNCH - 15 repsPLANK- 30 seconds